Get In Touch

Got something you’d like to chat about? Use this form to start the conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you available for freelancing/consulting?

Yes…kind of? I’m mainly focused on growing my podcast repurposing company (Castaway) but it can’t totally replace my salary yet, so I’m open to working with a handful of clients on a per-project or monthly retainer basis.
To get a feel for the type of work and projects I like to do, you can check out the items in the “Services” dropdown at the top of this page in the primary navigation area.

Can you help me with my marketing questions?

Sure thing! I’m always happy to help out. Just send me a note using the form above or send me a quick audio/video message using my ClarityFlow intake form.

Will you join my podcast/workshop/event?

Possibly! If it’s related to sales, marketing, freelancing/agency ownership, or podcasting, there’s a pretty good chance I’ll be interested. As long as I have at least a couple weeks’ notice to sort out scheduling, we can usually make it happen.